by Marco Pantaleon

Last July 25 to 29, President & CEO Atty. Oliver Tuazon, accompanied by members of the Universitas Officers and Managers (“VOMs”) Dr. Kristine Sunga and Marco Pantaleon, visited the City of Pines, and gave talks to four different groups, namely, the Baguio Business Executives and Business Owners, Prudence Research and Review Center, the employees and supervisors of Shell Baguio, and the supervisors and managers of Venus Hotel, Baguio City. 

To these audiences, Atty. Tuazon spoke about the structure and vision of the Foundation and shared practical insights on nation-building in the context of professional life.

Atty. Tuazon exchanges greetings and stories with former Baguio City Mayor Peter Bautista and Techie Pantaleon of Third Generation Foods. 


The President & CEO gives a talk to students of Prudence research and review center in Baguio city. He talked about nation-building and politics, among other things. 


Marco Polo M. Pantaleon (left most), Dr. Kristine Sunga (middle left), and Atty. Oliver M. Tuazon pose with the director of Prudence Research and Review Center. 


Atty. Tuazon gives a talk on Values & Virtues in the Workplace for employees and supervisors of Shell Baguio. 


Atty. Tuazon poses for a photo after giving a talk on “Millenials in the Workplace” to supervisors and managers of Venus Hotel, Baguio City.

NOTA BENE: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and the speakers mentioned in the article, and not necessarily to the Foundation.

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