Tomas is the Director of the Universitas Fellows Program. A Thomasian, as his first name would suggest, he finished his AB in Economics in 2010, and his Juris Doctor in 2019 both at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. He passed the 2019 Bar Examinations, and hence, is part of the Covid-19 batch, the first batch of bar passers whose Lawyers’ Oath was administered online. He first came into contact with the persons who later on would incorporate the Universitas Foundation in 2014 when he joined the first Inquies Pro Lege (IPL). Afterwards, he became part of the organizing team for the subsequent IPL’s. Through these experiences, he became convinced that the desire for a better society is not enough, because people need to do concrete steps to contribute to its realization. Hence, he hopped in on the Universitas train and, to this day, gives his time and effort to help advocate Principled Leadership. In his spare time, he likes playing musical instruments, listening to music, playing different sports, and reading different books (from Biographies of inspiring people to fiction).
Francis is the Deputy to the Director of the Universitas Fellows Program. A graduating student taking up Bachelor of Arts in Journalism at the University of Santo Tomas, he previously volunteered as a Mentor in his alma mater PAREF Northfield School for Boys. He was also a counselor for the FORGE Summer Camp organized by Lantaka and Molave Study Centers for two years, and the former editor-in-chief and online editor of FORTIBUS, his high school’s award-winning student publication. He currently serves as the Social Media Manager of Sarangani Study Center and volunteers for teaching virtue and catechism classes.